Monday, 28 August 2017

Sunday Express: Project Blue Beam "Perception Management" Article

By Mark Conlon

A news article was published online in the Sunday Express, a UK based online newspaper, where they managed to turn a landslide disaster which killed 17 people in Colombia into a "conspiracy theory" hit piece. 

The article made ridiculing references about "conspiracy theorists" in relation to advanced technology "Holograms" and "Project Blue Beam".  

Jon Austin the author of this article felt the need to take the opportunity from this terrible landslide disaster (which killed 17 people and displaced many from their homes), by turning the survivor's religious beliefs towards a "light formation" which they interpreted to be an apparition of Jesus, to make a "mockery" of the disaster, by portraying anyone who believes in the existence of "Holograms" or "Project Blue Beam" as some sort of tin-foil hat wearing nut-case. I think this says far more about Jon Austin's state of mind than any conspiracy theorists. 

I think Jon Austin should examine his own values and beliefs of what really matters when a disaster like this happens and consider the people who have lost their lives and the poor family members left behind who are grieving, whether they believe in Jesus or not, or whether a formation of light brought comfort to them in their time of grief from their interpretation that it was Jesus, rather than his own heartless agenda to focus on "conspiracy theories" instead.

Is there more to the article than meets the eye? "Managing Perceptions"

Was the article combined deliberately to manage people's perceptions when it comes to advanced image projections technologies? Was the specifically article produced because of the growing numbers of people who are now believing that an advanced "image projection" or "hologram" was used on 9/11 to create the planes in the sky which hit the towers, thus to control people's perceptions regarding anyone who might question the veracity of the 9/11 video evidence of the "planes", implanting a sense of discouragement to believe in such technology, by already deliberately "implanting" a negative perception? As we know the "video fakery" Psychological Operation was used to conceal such "image projection" technology, and has now been exposed, along with those behind it. Are articles like this one above early interventions and damage control because more people are questioning "video fakery" and are now seeing that some type of "image projection" was used on 9/11? 

There seems no other reasonable explanation for this article of a landslide disaster to have been subtly combined with "conspiracy theories", other than to discourage questioning minds and control people's perceptions in relation to the advanced technology of holograms or image projections and 9/11. 

Sunday, 27 August 2017

"No-Plane, It Was A Bomb" - Fox News Eyewitness Account - Analysis

By Mark Conlon

On 9/11 at 10:05am Fox News showed an eyewitness giving his very brief account that "it was not a second plane it was a bomb, no second plane" to Rick Leventhal. Many 9/11 researchers' have claimed this is evidence of a "real" eyewitness interrupting a "staged" news event. This video has been widely circulated across the Internet as evidence of "No-Plane at All" hitting the South Tower.  

While I believe this eyewitness's account, I doubt the claims made by some 9/11 researchers that this is evidence for disruption of a "staged" news event. I also question whether this can be used as "absolute" evidence for the "no-plane at all" hit the South Tower building theory. While I do "not" believe the planes we were told hit the North Tower, South Tower, Pentagon or in Shanksville, I "do" believe some type of "object" hit the North and South Towers which people witnessed and believed to be a plane, which they videoed and photographed. 

My reason for questioning the "No-Plane at All" Theory:
Because people such as; Simon Shack and Ace Baker have promoted this theory and produced very dubious research findings in relation to these types of claims, thus to promote the use of inserting and compositing "fake" planes into the television news coverage. It appears from my research that this was deliberately done to cast doubt over the authenticity of the 9/11 video evidence, which has been used to discredit the work of Dr. Judy Wood and also to act as cover-story to conceal the use of some type of advanced "image projection" technology system, which created the image of a plane in the sky which many people witnessed, photographed and video taped. 

Strange anomalies were captured, especially the South Tower crash videos, such as; disappearing wings, impossible speed of the (Flight 175) plane, and also a lack of crash physics of the plane impacting the South Tower building, which is why "video fakery" was promoted as the answer and to explain the strange anomalies within the videos and photographs.   

Logical questions should be asked to establish the veracity of this eyewitnesses account. Unfortunately this is never considered by the 9/11 researchers' who use this eyewitness's account as evidence of "no planes at all".

Some logical questions:

Where was the eyewitness located when he didn't see the plane hit the South Tower, which led him to believe it was a "bomb" he witnessed?
  1. Where was the eyewitness located when the explosion happened?

  2. Was he located on the "North side" of the face of the South Tower?
  3. What view of the sky or building did the eyewitness have which led him to determine "no-plane" hit the South Tower and believe it was a bomb? 

These are all legitimate questions to be considered before concluding that "no-plane at all" hit the South Tower. The simple answer is we don't know where the eyewitness was located at the time of second plane impacting the South Tower building. We know Rick Leventhal was located further-up by Church and Murray St, which is on the North side of the South Tower not far from the alleged plane engine which exited the South Tower and landed on Murray St. If this was the case that this Fox News eyewitness was located on the North side of the South Tower, then one might expect he didn't see the plane's approach and impact into the South Tower building, which might be why he genuinely thought it was a "bomb" going-off in the South Tower. There were many eyewitness accounts of "no-plane" regarding the South Tower event which were broadcast live on 9/11, however frustratingly we don't have their initial locations to determine exactly where their locations were and also their vantage points to the event of what they witnessed, as in the case of the Fox News eyewitness. 


Can we determine that this was a disruption of a "staged" news report? In my personal opinion "NO", because of all the reasons I raise above and the insufficient answers to the questions I've asked, however I do believe the news report was "genuine" not "staged", with a genuine eyewitness account who didn't see the plane who was possibly located on the North side of the South Tower where Rick Leventhal was located, which is why the eyewitness believed there was "no-plane at all" and it was a "bomb" exploding from inside the South building.

I am very sceptical of the person (Dimitri Khalezov) who posted this particular video which I have posted above of the Fox News "no-plane" eyewitness account. Much exposure was given to Dimitri Khalezov and his “nuclear demolition” of the WTC buildings on 9/11. Dmitri cannot explain Hurricane Erin's presence, nor the silent disappearance of the WTC buildings. Looking at his theories of a "nuclear furnace" created beneath the WTC which as he says "melted down into" is pure nonsense. We saw the steel turning-to-dust and empty basement levels at the bottom of the WTC!! 

I suggest reading this chapter; “Re-incarnated” WTC Nuke Theory and Dimitri Khalezov, in Andrew Johnson's "free" book: 9/11 Finding The Truth  

I can only conclude that Dimitri Khalezov has put-out "disinformation" in attempt to "muddle-up" or to distract people away from Dr. Judy Wood's evidence she presents in her book; Where Did The Towers Go? Plus, by posting the Fox News eyewitness account of "no-plane at all" suggests in people's minds the possibility of the use of "video fakery" and "staged" news media broadcasts which calls into question the 9/11 video evidence record, something heavily promoted by Simon Shack to discredit Dr. Judy Wood and to cover the use of a "Directed Energy Weapon" to destroy the WTC buildings, and also to conceal the use of an advanced "image projection" technology system which was captured in the videos and photographs of the plane impacting the South Tower, thus not by use of "inserting" fake CGI planes into the 9/11 video footage. 

Another article of interest regarding eyewitness accounts is Andrew Johnson's Going in Search of Planes in NYC

Thank you for reading!

Friday, 25 August 2017

Who Is 9/11 Harley Guy..? "Seeing Through The Disinformation"

By Mark Conlon
Much has been said in recent years of the use of "crisis actors" involved in relation to 9/11 and a number of "staged" terrorist attacks that followed. Much of the early promotion of "crisis actors" was by Simon Shack following his September Clues film and his September Clues forum. 

One of the most famous 9/11 cases was the "Harley Guy" on Fox News who gave an account of the "official" 9/11 WTC building collapse story from the beginning. Or did he?

There has been many people who believe the "Harley Guy" to be a professional actor Mark Adrian Humphries. Humphries denied these claims and of any involvement on 9/11. Humphries claimed he was in Los Angeles at the time of the 9/11 attacks.

See image below: Taken from Simon Shack's - September Clues forum. 

So, who is the "Harley Guy"? I still see and hear people accusing Mark Humphries of being the "Harley Guy". From my research, which doesn't get much attention around the internet, it appears the "Harley Guy" is actually Mark Walsh, who worked as a freelance employee for Fox. 

See Image below:


The video below is two short excerpts from "Psycho Mark" Walsh and Ben Sparks' radio broadcast on May 5, 2011. Mark and Ben, including callers discuss 9/11 and the 10th anniversary of the WTC attacks following Osama Bin Laden's capture May 2011. Mark Walsh speaks of his experiences on 9/11. Later in the show the discussion returns to 9/11 and Mark Walsh is informed by a caller that he's known as the infamous "Harley Guy" from 9/11 on YouTube, much to his surprise. Walsh has been nicknamed "Harley Guy" on the internet, because he was wearing a Harley Davidson shirt during his 9/11 Fox News interview on 9/11.

Here is Google Earth, showing Mark Walsh's apartment building at 105 Tribeca Tower, Duane Street, NY. 

Below, is a map showing Walsh's location of his apartment building, and distance from the WTC towers. 

The full length original broadcast can be found on this link:

Also, here's a clip from the Opie & Anthony Show from 9/11/01 where they talk about Mark Walsh living near the WTC and him witnessing the attacks from his apartment and appearing on TV with Fox News that morning.

In conclusion:

It is clear to see that "Harley Guy" is in fact Mark Walsh and not Mark Adrian Humphries a professional actor. Clearly, misinformation was circulated by certain so-called 9/11 researchers. Was this done to help create a later "Psy-Op" regarding "crisis actors", which seems to play a role in many of today's "conspiracy theories" involving "fake" terrorist attacks?  

Another note to consider: Most people have said how cool Mark Walsh looks when delivering his lines on 9/11. I don't recognise this, and in my opinion I see someone who was quite anxious, who couldn't stand still, and was talking quite quickly and looks flustered.

Also, because Mark Walsh was working freelance for Fox News that day, is it possible that he got his "official" information regarding the WTC buildings collapses straight from Fox News and inadvertently repeated what he had been informed had happened to the WTC buildings into his own recollections of his own experience during the interview unknowingly? Thus, inadvertently describing the "official" collapse story perfectly.

Evidence for this is Mark Walsh's use of the term "Ground Zero" in his famous interview, which later became the "official" name of the destruction area. Was this a coincidence that Mark Walsh called it "Ground Zero" or does this suggest the information came from an "official" organisation such as Fox News who might have had scripted information fed to them and then communicated to their reporters and freelance employees at the scene in NYC, like Mark Walsh for example, who most likely unknowingly repeated the "official" collapse story? After all, Mark's "initial" account of the "second" airplane crash was accurate and consistent with the observable video evidence and his vantage location where he witnessed it from. This is never an option of consideration in the 9/11 research community. Does this make Mark Walsh a conspirator, or an employee who was unknowingly used in the conspiracy?

I believe this could be a possibility and should be considered before accusing people of being part of a conspiracy, especially the "wrong" people such as Mark Adrian Humphries who had no involvement in 9/11 or was a crisis actor.