Friday, 28 December 2018

The NORAD tapes are proof 'Delta 89' was not 'Delta 1989' on 9/11

Three minutes after the Pentagon was hit, a strange aircraft with call sign "Delta 89" popped up on the radar screens of air defence Commander Kevin Nasypany's crew. It signaled a hijacking and was tracked by NEADS for three minutes before it suddenly disappeared again.

In the “official” story, Delta 89 doesn't exist. Better to say, for the 9/11 Commission as well as authors Michael Bronner and Lynn Spencer ("Touching History"), the plane tracked by NEADS as Delta 89 was in fact Delta 1989, and nothing more than a case of sloppy communication, however, this is impossible. It is easy to show that, apart from the different call sign, Delta 89's transponder code, flight plan and flight path differed from Delta 1989. The evidence is present on the NORAD tapes, a source of impeccable authenticity because you can virtually look over the shoulder of NEADS technicians while they're tracking Delta 89 on their displays. 

To demonstrate why Delta 89 was not identical with Delta 1989, I shall go through the NORAD tapes step by step and comment on them, however before starting the analysis, we need to get a rough understanding how NEADS radar works, as it is quite different from the FAA radar. Lynn Spencer explains in her book "Touching History" (Pg.32).

Slow and cumbersome, and not nearly as user friendly as more modern equipment, the NEADS monochromic radar displays are not designed to take internal FAA radar data or to identify radar tracks originating from inside the United States. The system offers little, if any, such low-level coverage over the country.

Their radar scopes are filled with hundreds of radar returns not just from aircraft but from weather systems, ground interference. and what's called anomalous propagation - false returns caused by conditions in the atmosphere, or by such obstruction as flocks of birds.

So the NEADS radar screen is filled with countless radar blips from planes - without the identifying data block common to FAA radar, however - as well as irregular radar returns. Only on special occasions like emergency cases, a plane's blip is highlighted and provided with a data tag. Lynn Spencer (Pg. 25/26).
Pilots have three special transponder codes that they can dial in: 7500 for hijacking, 7600 for loss of radio, and 7700 for other emergencies. Any of them will cause the airplane's tag to light up on his radar screen, but he doesn't see any such tag.

Now we are ready to start with the analysis. The complete transcripts are here. It is highly recommended to listen to the "original" audio file of the following channels (scroll forward to the respective time).

Channel 4   - 1:14:00
Channel 7   - 1:09:00
Channel 21 - 1:09:00

(Channel 7)
9:39:31 Colin Scoggins, Boston Center military. Hijacked aircraft Delta nineteen eighty-nine. I give you the code 1304, presently due south of Cleveland, heading westbound, destination Las Vegas. And is this one a hijack, Sir? We believe it is. Didn't it squawk hijack? We don't umm...I don't know - it's squawking 1304 if you want to crank him up. 767, altitude 350. Where did it take-off? Out of Boston. We're trying to get a tail number on that if you want to get someone up.

90 seconds before Delta 89 appears on stage, NEADS receives a verbal message from Colin Scoggins, the military liaison controller at Boston Center, regarding Delta 1989. The message is affirmed with professional calm. NEADS knows now that one of the many anonymous radar blips near Cleveland is a possible hijack. Note that Scoggins is wrong on the destination of Delta 1989: that was Los Angeles, not Las Vegas.
(Channel 4)
9:41:00 - Delta 89 is a hijack, they think it's a hijack, south of Cleveland, we have a code on him now

9:41:05 - Good! Pick it up! Find it!

9:41:05 - Another one. I hear someone going from Boston going to Las Vegas - another one

9:41:13 - Eight-nine. Boeing 767 Boston-Las Vegas. Another one - same place - Las Vegas

In striking contrast to Delta 1989, the appearance of Delta 89 causes big excitement among the NEADS crew. It is echoed through all of the channels. Lynn Spencer interprets this passage as a prompt reaction to Scoggins's message, but there are several reasons why this cannot be the case.

The different call sign: needless to say, transmitting the correct call sign of an aircraft is an absolute must in aeronautic communication. No air traffic controller would ever get the idea to abbreviate a flight number by omitting the first two digits because that will automatically lead to massive confusion.

"We have a code on him now" - obviously, the plane has squawked a special emergency code that causes its blip to lighten up on the NEADS radar displays - just as explained above. This is immediately noticed by the NEADS crew and leads to their excited reactions. The data tag informs them about the call sign (Delta 89), the flight plan (Boston-Las Vegas), the type of the plane (Boeing 767) and the cause of the emergency: a hijacking.

"Another one - same place - Las Vegas" - NEADS is already aware of Delta 1989 which was reported 90 seconds ago by Colin Scoggins. Now Delta 89 - "another one" - appears in the same vicinity. So NEADS does not identify Delta 89 with Delta 1989, but views it as a different plane. Delta 89's blip suddenly flashes on the NEADS screens - making it easy to follow - and indicates a hijacking. In contrast, Delta 1989's blip is not spotted yet. 
(Channel 21)

9:41:05 - Another one. I hear someone going from Boston going to Las Vegas - another one

9:41:30  - As before is one missing. Start a search. Range 53

9:41:35  - 288 for 92 miles search only

9:41:46 - I have a 280 for 97
9:41:58 - I have a 287 for 97

9:42:23 - The two really close together. One used - one has a code of 7112 - the one we are next to him

To understand what's going on here, I cite Lynn Spencer again (Pg. 32).

To identify American 11, the surveillance and ID techs must go through a gruelling process. The technicians must first determine which radar data on their screens is for aircraft, which they do by monitoring its movement, which is distinctive for planes. The technician must observe for at least 36 seconds to a minute just to confirm that a blip is in fact an aircraft track. The tech must attach what's called a tactical display number to it, which tells the computer to start tracking and identifying the target. If the target is in fact a plane, then over a period of 12-20 seconds, the computer will start to generate information on the track: heading, speed, latitude, longitude, and the identifying information being transmitted by the transponder.

The NEADS technicians start a "search" for Delta 89, described by Lynn Spencer as a gruelling process. But in contrast to American 11, which had turned the transponder off, Delta 89 is tagged, enabling them to curtail the procedure. In the course of the search, they detect two planes "really close together" - Delta 89 and Delta 1989 -, and obtain the squawk code of one of them: 7112. This is not Delta 1989's code, which is 1304, so it must be the code of Delta 89. The first digit "7" indicates that it's not the ID code of a usual civilian airliner - they never begin with a 7. Instead, the 7 is reserved for emergency cases like 7500, 7600, or 7700. By squawking 7112, Delta 89 manages to pop up on the NEADS radar screens and signals a hijacking.

(Channel 4)

9:42:43 - Indy Center? Indianapolis Center: Delta eight-nine have you information on that aircraft? I want to give you a heads-up. This is another hijacked aircraft, Boston to Las Vegas with a Mode 3 of 1304. We do have contact. ((Repeats information)).

9:43:04 - I give you a Lat-Long if you need that. Go ahead. 4121 North 08215 West. I'll give you a heads-up that's all we have right now, but he's a confirmed hijack

9:43:16 - (Indianapolis Center) We don't show him in our system at this point - you are tracking him, you say? We have him on the radar, Sir - he's headed your way. He's headed our way, okay.

9:43:35 - (Indianapolis Center) Boston to L-A-S, right? L-A-X. L-A-X? I've got Vegas, Sir, whatever Vegas says. L-A-S, okay, Las Vegas. Okay, cause we don't show him in the system anywhere. Do you have Mode 3 capability or anything? He's on a 1304 code? Okay, we bring that up.

Now NEADS contacts Indianapolis Center to inform them that Delta 89 is heading for their airspace. This is evidence that Delta 89 is flying southwest- or southbound at that point because the boundary to Indianapolis Center runs 40 miles south of Cleveland. In contrast, Delta 1989 never goes south, and especially at 9:43, it is flying westbound (direction 285) according to the Cleveland Center/Delta 1989 transcript:

9:40:57 - (Lorain Radar) delta nineteen eighty nine fly heading two eight five

9:41:00 - (Delta 1989) two eight five delta nineteen eighty nine

The next radio transmission between Cleveland Center and Delta 1989 occurs at 9:44am. In between, there is no order to change the direction, which is proof that Delta 1989 is not heading towards Indianapolis Center at 9:43am like Delta 89 (according to Stacia Rountree from NEADS). 
Back to NEADS:

(Channel 4)

9:44:03 - Where did it go? Somebody dropped the aircraft. Who dropped the aircraft? I DON'T KNOW!

(Channel 21)

9:46:25 - (?)52 on a 49 for 59 miles searching. We got a 1304 squawk this time

9:46:53 - The 1304 guy. That's not the guy then

At 9:44, Delta 89 is suddenly "lost". NEADS doesn't know where it's gone and is unable to track it. Obviously the pilot has turned off the transponder, making himself virtually invisible. The radar technicians resume the search. At 9:46:25, they are able to identify an eligible blip, but it's Delta 1989 this time. Their comment: "that's not the guy then" - the 7112 guy they lost and were looking for.

Now it's time to sum up the data:

Did the 9/11 Commission overlook these discrepancies? Unlikely. Did Commission staffers not check Channel 21 with the "code 7112" message? Oh yes, they did! On January 23, 2004, Miles Kara, Kevin Schaeffer, and Geoffrey Brown interviewed Sgt. Susan Marie Rose, whose voice is recorded on Channel 21 as she spots "code 7112":

Commission staff asked Rose is she recalled details on tracking Delta Airlines Flight 1989 or United Airlines Flight 93 (UAL 93). She replied that she and LaMarche tracked a specific suspected hijack that they believe was flight planned from Boston to Las Vegas through Cleveland and Minneapolis Center airspace. This flight, she believed, was headed to a specific airport, and he was manoeuvring to turn into the airport to land.

Rose noted that she is uncertain whether the aircraft reflected in Commission staff's recording was one that was search only or one that was a mode three. She surmised there being two aircraft that they followed based on listening to the tapes in which she pointed out a mode three squawking code 1304. The "surmise" of Susan Marie Rose is certainly correct, but squawk code 7112, evidence for a second plane is simply omitted in the report. Miles Kara and his colleagues don't seem to be interested in this other aircraft, despite the strange code and the fact that it was considered a hijacking. Code 7112 and Delta 89 were simply glossed over.
The NORAD tapes belong to the most authentic sources for the events of 9/11, and they are certainly not faked, as everyone will attest who has listened to them. As matters stand, the tapes provide watertight proof that Delta 89 was NOT Delta 1989, Delta 89 being defined as the aircraft that was tracked by NEADS between 9:41 and 9:44.

The analysis must not stop at this point. What kind of plane was this Delta 89? Discarding exotic scenarios like a drunken pilot or a foreign intruder playing games with the air defence, the plane's known attributes allow only one reasonable explanation - Delta 89 was a simulated hijacking as part of a military exercise:

- "Delta 89" was a fake call sign. The regular Delta Airlines Flight 89 was sitting at JFK airport and scheduled to depart for Los Angeles at 3:00 p.m.

- The behaviour of Delta 89 reminds of a hide-and-seek game. To facilitate the catcher's job, it left its cover and "cuckooed" for three minutes before disappearing in the dark again. Note that military exercises are often termed "war games".

- Delta 89 didn't squawk 7500, the emergency code for a "real world" hijacking, but another irregular code - 7112 - that was immediately interpreted as a hijacking by NEADS technicians.

- According to FAA directive 7110.65, certain beacon codes are regularly assigned to planes taking part in NORAD exercises - "7112" seems to have been one of them:
- NORAD will ensure exercise FAKER aircraft flight plans are filed containing discrete beacon codes from the Department of Defence code allocation specified in FAAO 7610.4, Special Military Operations, Appendix 8. 

Delta 89 fulfils all conditions for an "exercise faker aircraft" whose job was to simulate a hijacking. Alternative explanations are hard to imagine. Therefore it's time now to establish the central thesis of this text: Delta 89 was a faker hijack exercise.

So what - the interested reader might ask - what impact has this insight on the official story of the 9/11 attacks? Indeed, Michael Ruppert has already pointed out the existence of at least one "live-fly exercise" (with real aircraft involved) in his book Crossing the Rubicon. Lynn Spencer notes: 

"Today's training exercise runs a number of scenarios, including a simulated hijacking in which the perpetrators overtake an aircraft for political purposes, directing it to an island in order to seek asylum". (Pg.24) So is the case of "Exercise Delta 89" important at all?

Yes, it is, because of Delta 1989, which was kind of a "doppelganger" plane with nearly identical call sign (promptly leading to confusion), identical aircraft type (Boeing 767), identical origin airport (Boston), and flying in close vicinity when Delta 89 exposed itself at 9:41. Clearly the designation "Delta 89" was carefully chosen by the war-game designers to create a mix-up with Delta 1989. This is the first indication that the on-going exercises interfered with regular civilian air traffic.

In other words: Delta 1989, in spite of being a regular airliner, played a peripheral role in the exercise. It served as a cover-up for Delta 89. At first, NEADS was alerted by Delta 89, and when this plane stopped squawking and disappeared, the attention shifted to Delta 1989, which was closely observed until its landing in Cleveland.

Half an hour after Delta 1989, another mysterious airliner in distress landed at Cleveland Airport. Just like Delta 89, its existence seems to have been covered-up through "merging" it with Delta 1989 - a doppelganger case again. This naturally leads to the question whether the eerie Cleveland plane was identical to Delta 89. Indeed, there are surprising congruences:

- Both planes were reportedly a 767
- Both planes were reportedly coming from Boston
- Both planes were suspected of being hijacked
- Both planes were covered-up by Delta 1989

Thursday, 27 December 2018

The Mysterious United Airlines "Flight 177" On 9/11

By Mark Conlon

On 9/11, Mark Randol was manager of the Civil Aviation Security Field Office (CASFO) in Washington, DC, a subdivision of the FAA. He reported to the Commission.

By 9:25 a.m. Marcus Arroyo (Regional manager) called to report several hijackings, including AAL77, UAL 175 and UAL 177.

He made it clear that this was a terrorist act. Randol then immediately tasked his staff to find out everything they could about the flights. Randol remembers that the whole day was hectic and by 9:45 a.m. they had identified that AAL 77 had departed from Dulles, but they could not confirm whether it had been hijacked, while they discovered that UAL177 was being held at the gate in Boston.

The BUREAU OF TRANSPORTATION STATISTICS (BTS) database tells us that UAL 177 was scheduled to depart at 6:55 p.m. from Boston, destination Los Angeles.

This raises two important questions:
  1.     Why was it reported hijacked?
  2.     Why was it reported "held at the gate" if its departure was only in the evening?
Most remarkably, the hijacking of United 177 was reported at 9:25 a.m. two minutes after Ed Ballinger, United flight dispatcher, sent the last message to 'Flight 175' while it was over Pittsburgh.

Research Source: WoodyBox:

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Analysis of Steve De'ak's - Shanksville Plane Crater Recreation

By Mark Conlon

This is a video analysis of Steve De'aks theory regarding how the plane shaped crater was made in Shanksville on 9/11. In my video and blog below I show that his "alleged" reproduction comparisons using NASA's lab test impact craters and also his own recreation experiments do not sufficiently explain how the engine crater or tail section impression were made at the Shanksville crash site. I just want to make it clear to anyone reading this blog post, this is not a personal issue with Steve, it merely points out issues I wanted to raise which I feel are unanswered in his theory he proposes. It is meant to help rather than discredit him.


Background information:
Steve De'ak believes "multiple missiles" were used to create the plane shaped hole crater in Shanksville.

Steve has attempted to recreate the plane crater below (Fig A) and (Fig B), however in my opinion doesn't fully explain the observable crater hole in relation to how the plane's engine and tail section impressions in the ground happened in his recreations or with his "multiple missile" theory explanation? See below:

(Fig A) (No angle shown)
(Fig B) (6.6 Degrees)

The issues I observe with his recreation of the crater is, it does not account for the plane's engine crater or tail section impression which are observed in the crater images in Shanksville. Also there are issues with the angle trajectories Steve uses in his recreations seen in (Fig A) with NO angle trajectory clearly stated although in previous images there is cited - 9.2 degrees shown, and also in (Fig B) a 6.6 degree angle trajectory.

The confusion here arises because Steve cites some NASA lab experiments, where their results which Steve uses for "supportive" evidence of how the craters were created according to NASA using a 4.75 degree angle trajectory. See screen-shot from Steve De'ak's website below: 

Steve didn't state this information about the 4.75 degree angle trajectory in the NASA experiments in his articles and vaguely states 10 degrees under horizontal, which I didn't feel was helpful. See NASA's information below stating a 4.75 degree angle trajectory to achieve their crater which Steve uses in his articles and videos, however NOT mentioning this "specific" information. WHY?

This in the main part would make it very difficult in reality at the Shanksville crash site due to the treeline being far too tall to achieve such a low trajectory such as 4.75 degrees to create at least one side of the plane crater hole from a missile. There is also NO evidence of any damage or disturbance to the adjacent trees from a low angled trajectory such as JASSM missile which Steve "alleges" caused the hole crater. See below:

Comparison studies with the Steve's recreations and the "real" Shanksville crash site crater below:

 Steve's Recreation 1 below:
Steve's Recreation 2 below:

 Shanksville Crater Image 1 below:

 Shanksville Crater Image 2 below:

 Shanksville Crater Image 3 below:

 Another view from the ground:

The comparisons above using Steve's recreation attempts of the impact craters does not sufficiently explain how the engine crater or tail section impression were made at the Shanksville crash site. His comparisons do not contain these two distinct areas in his recreations to be accepted as adequate recreations as he claims. The same can be said for the NASA lab experiments comparisons which he uses to support his theory, as these are not sufficient for comparison purposes, although the idea is.

If "multiple missiles" were used to create the Shanksville plane crater then this would not be consistent with overwhelming eyewitness testimonies who speak of witnessing a "large" plane crash into the ground, not missiles? Steve does not address this evidence, and has been quite misleading about the eyewitness accounts, by saying that people both "heard" and "seen" missiles in Shanksville. See the screen-shot below from Steve De'ak's article.

There is no evidence of any eyewitnesses "SEEING" a missile or missiles. The only reports of missiles from witnesses is, what they "interpreted" to be a missile from only hearing the sound. No one actually observed anything with their eyes who report seeing a missile or missiles. Susan McElwain did see something small, however she did not reference the object to be a missile. The object she described flew over her vehicle and over the treeline, although it didn't disturb the trees or make any sound, and she didn't recall the sound of an explosion, which I find strange. I am still open to the possibility that it could be a missile.  

I have raised this several times with Steve during our comment exchanges on his website, however he seems reluctant to amend this in his articles or videos, even for the sake of accuracy, which I feel is a shame as it could be seen in a bad light and unhelpful for him, but I respect his choice not to. 

In conclusion:

For Steve De'ak to claim he can recreate the crater in Shanksville, he must demonstrate that he has recreated enough of the observable features to a reasonable high degree of accuracy based on the observable photographical and video evidence at the Shankville crater crash site. This is not the case with any of Steve's comparison recreations or the NASA lab experiments comparisons he cites. He must recreate the crater showing a tail section impression and also an engine crater, preferably using videos and not photos, and also at the correct angles so we can see how it was achieved. He also has to explain thoroughly how no treeline damage or disturbance to the trees adjacent to the crash crater in Shanksville was achieved. This has not been done up-to-now.

On a final note, this is not a personal attack on Steve De'ak, I am hopeful he may adjust or add to his test experiments with the information I provide here.

I am happy to update this article when Steve conducts new experiments and tests which solve the issues I raise in this analysis. I am not saying he is promoting disinformation, as I believe this would be unfair to say, and unhelpful. That would be an easy cheap shot, as he is trying to find answers to how the crater was created. This sometimes can take several attempts to fully reach a sufficient answer or recreation in this case. I wish him well in future experiments.

Update: 11th November 2018

After exchanges between me and Steve on his website comments section regarding the evidence of more than one crater in the Shankville plane crash crater, I believe Steve could eventually see I was being genuine in what I was pointing out to him with the extra craters in the plane shaped hole. His apology is welcomed and accepted. My video is no way a personal attack on Steve, I merely pointed out areas which I felt had been overlooked by Steve in his attempts at recreating the crime scene.

Myself and Steve differ greatly with our views of the evidence, however I wouldn't want that to prevent us from having any reasonable debates in the future. 

 Thanks for reading and watching the video.

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Nothing Unusual About UA175 & UA93's Deregistration?

By Mark Conlon

A lot has been made of the deregistration process of UA175 and UA93, because of the process taking up to 4 years for both of the planes to be deregistered on 28th Sept 2005. In reality this is nothing out of the ordinary, although some 9/11 researchers cite this as unusual, when in fact it is not.

One only has to take a look through the FAA Government Records to see it is not unusual for an aircraft to be deregistered many years later of its initial retirement of certification. 

I have listed some case study examples below of planes which have taken a long period of time to be deregistered. Anyone can checkout tail numbers at the FAA Registry - Aircraft - N-Number Inquiry:

Example 1:

28 December 1978; United Air Lines DC8; N8082U, flight 173; Portland, OR: This was a scheduled domestic flight from Denver, CO to Portland, OR. After the landing gear was lowered, there were several indications of a landing gear - problem, including unusual noises and no indication that one of the landing gear had deployed properly. The crew went into a holding pattern while investigating the problem. The aircraft ran out of fuel while holding for landing and crashed in a residential area. Two of the eight crew members and eight of the 181 passengers were killed. No one on the ground was injured or killed. This plane was cancelled on Oct 13th 1981... nearly 3 years later.

Example 2:
Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 1771 was a scheduled flight from Los Angeles, California, to San Francisco. On 7 December 1987, the British Aerospace 146-200A, registration N350PS, crashed in Cayucos, California, as a result of a murder–suicide by one of the passengers. It was not cancelled until 14th April 1993. (Thanks to 'Conspiracy Cuber' for this "excellent" case example).

Example 3:

On July 26, 2002, FedEx flight 1478, a Boeing 727-232F (N497FE) struck trees on final approach to Tallahassee Regional Airport at 5:37 a.m. The flight had originated in Memphis, Tennessee. The captain, first officer and flight engineer were seriously injured, and the airplane was destroyed by impact and resulting fire.

So then visit the FAA Registry, enter the number, and this record pops up as of 17th April 2005:

N497FE is Assigned
Assigned/Registered Aircraft
Manufacturer Name BOEING
Model 727-232  Status Valid 
Registered Owner

Example 4:

On January 1, 2002, about 1802 eastern standard time, a Piper PA-31-250, N3525Y, registered to Taurus Wings Inc., and operated by Air Taxi Inc., as a Title 14 CFR Part 135 on demand air taxi flight, ditched in the Atlantic Ocean, near Hollywood, Florida.

An FAA Registry check on 10th March 2006 tells us:
N3525Y is Assigned
Assigned/Registered Aircraft
Model PA-31-350  Status Valid 
Registered Owner: TAURUS WINGS INC  

Example 5:

On October 18, 2001, at 1543 Alaska daylight time, a Bell 206L helicopter, N400EH, impacted the waters of Cook Inlet about six-tenths of a mile west of the shoreline off the approach end of runway 06 at Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, Anchorage, Alaska. The pilot, who held a commercial pilot's certificate, expired as a result of the accident sequence.

And yet the FAA record as of 10th March 2006 says:

N400EH is Assigned
Manufacturer Name BELL
Model 206L 


Again we have 9/11 researchers not fully checking the facts before promoting "alleged" anomalies in the data which are not valid anomalies at all.

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Flight 11 and the BTS Data-Base Discoveries Before 9/11

By Mark Conlon

The "unknown" statistic logged in relation to Flight 11 on 9/11 in the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) data-base is often used as proof that Flight 11 never took-off on 9/11, yet there are other instances showing the same statistic of "unknown" during the year of 2001 involving Flight 11.

(Flight 11 appears as a regular flight between BOS and LAX also on Tuesdays).

The BTS system returns "UNKNOWN" along with the usual 00:00 data for September 4 and July 10, 2001. Also, there's no data at all available for August 7, 2001. In all other instances AA-11 (Flight 11) appears to have flown on all Tuesdays before 9/11.

SOURCE: Bureau of Transportation Statistics

  • AA 07/10/2001 11 UNKNOWN LAX 07:45 00:00 366 0 0 00:00 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • AA 08/07/2001 11 N/A LAX N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • AA 09/04/2001 11 UNKNOWN LAX 07:45 00:00 366 0 0 00:00 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 

UPDATE: 29/12/19


AA 09/10/2001 198 N334AA SFO 06:24 06:03 334 314 -21 05:52 11 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

American Airlines "Flight 198" was the flight number with the plane tail number N334AA, which is a pendulum flight with Flight 11. Flight 198 arrived at Gate 32 in Boston, Logan Airport early in the morning on September 11, 2001. Although the reported date is 9/10/2001, the plane took-off from SFO on the west coast at 21:49 on 9/10 and actually landed at BOS on the east coast at 6:03 the next day on 9/11.

Apparently this detail created lot of confusion among 9/11 researchers, however this is the last tracked Flight for the plane - tail number N334AA before becoming the infamous AA11 on September 11, 2001.

Saturday, 29 September 2018

Flight 93's "Transponder On" at 10:05am According to FAA Transcript

By Mark Conlon

In this short analysis I will show through the use of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recording transcripts that Flight 93's transponder was still switched on at 10:05 a.m. after the "official" crash time in Shanksville. I will also touch briefly on other supporting evidence to show that Flight 93 did NOT crash at 10:03 a.m. as stated by the 9/11 Commission and also point-out other supporting evidence which indicates that Flight 93 did NOT crash at all on 9/11, as Flight 93 was located 15 miles past the "official" crash site heading towards the Washington D.C. area.

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Transcript below:

1405 (10:05am)

ntmo-e: ok united ninety three we're now receiving a transponder on and he is at eighty two hundred feet

doug: now transponder and he's eighty two-hundred

ntmo-e: southeastbound still

doug: eighty two hundred feet and now getting a transponder on him

ntmo-e: correct

doug: ok buddy

14 06 (10:06am)

ntmo-e: ok we've lost radar contact with united ninety three

Please Note: This strengthens the case that something took place in Shanksville at 10:06 a.m. NOT 10:03 a.m. the "official" crash time. The question is why was it so important to have the "official" crash time of 10:03 a.m., when all the evidence including the seismic readings place a trace recording in the ground at 10:06 a.m.? See the seismic readings below:

The 9/11 Commission lent on the seismologists to support the 10:03 a.m. official crash time, when clearly the evidence says different. Other evidence which suggests the plane shaped hole was made in the ground at 10:06 a.m. is the magnetometer data readings. See magnetometer readings data below: 

Notice the sharp dip fluctuation in the reading from 10:03 a.m. to 10:06 a.m. 

No Electronic Locator Transmitter (ELT) distress signal indicating a plane had crashed was picked-up at the time when Flight 93 "allegedly" crashed.

The FAA’s Cleveland Center, which had the last contact with Flight 93 before it crashed, suggests that no distress signal indicating a plane crash had occurred or was picked-up at the time Flight 93 went down. Flight 93 reportedly crashed in rural Pennsylvania at 10:03a.m. An “ELT” is an emergency locator transmitter, a device carried on most general aviation aircraft in the US that is designed to automatically start transmitting a distress signal if a plane should crash, so as to help search and rescue efforts in locating the downed aircraft The Cleveland Center controller’s information, as an FAA timeline will later state, therefore indicates that “No ELT signal has been picked up in the area where Flight 93 apparently crashed at this time.” Someone at the FAA’s Command Center in Herndon, Virginia, acknowledged the controller’s communication, responding, “Copy that, Command Center.” 
Whether anyone will subsequently report picking up an ELT signal in the area where Flight 93 apparently crashed is unclear. Major Allan Knox, who works at the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center, which is “the contact for credible” ELT signals, tells the 9/11 Commission that he “does not recall an ELT detection being brought to his attention”. (9/11 Commission, 10/1/2003). 

Also, does this part in the FAA - Air Traffic Control transcription strengthens the case that Flight 93 was close to Washington D.C. as it was west of Dulles, furthermore strengthening the already overwhelming evidence of a landing at 10:28 a.m. at Reagan National Airport.

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Transcript below:

14:07 (10:07am)

ntmo-e: sixteen south of Johnstown where they lost united ninety three and it was heading turning one four zero heading

doug: which will put him to what do you think

ntmo-e: uh I guess that put him down coming right just west of Dulles

doug: ok


Flight 93 switched on the transponder at 10:05 a.m. (two minutes after the "official" crash time), and the transponder indicated an altitude of 8200 ft. It was also heading southeast. One minute later, at 10:06 a.m., radar contact with Flight 93 is lost, at the position 39,51 north, 78,46 west. This point is about 15 miles southeast of the "official" crash site and around 15 minutes flying time from Washington D.C.

All the evidence points to Flight 93 landing at Reagan National Airport at 10:28 a.m. I will outline in more detail evidence to support this in my following blogs about Flight 93.

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Simon Shack's - 9/11 September Clues Forum "Disinformation" Psy-Op Network

By Mark Conlon

I edited this short video together which was made by someone else which was a much longer version. The creator exposes Simon Shack promulgating "false" information in his September Clues forum. Shack claims the video and photographs are all fake on 9/11, however this video shows how he exploits parallax and different viewing perspectives and also different times in motion to promote video and photographic fakery.

Shack even tries to claim that a piece of video footage from the Bataclan attack had a "missing door" in it, which was provably false. 

This video appears to demonstrate attempts by Simon Shack to implant and promote misinformation. 

See video below:  

Thank you for watching!