Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Photos: From the Ferry in Battery Park

By Mark Conlon

It has been claimed by many 9/11 researchers in the past and present, that no other people's photos exist or have been produced from the same location of Michael Hezarkhani or Carmen Taylor. This is simply incorrect. It is an established fact that both Michael Hezarkhani and Carmen Taylor were situated on the top deck of a ferry in Battery Park during the second airplane impact into the South Tower.

 Photo: Carmen Taylor

Video Still Image: Michael Hezarkhani

I am going to share two other people's photos which were taken just after the second airplane impacted the South Tower. The photos were captured by John McCaskill and Sara Jones. 

Judging by Sara Jones' photo she captured the top of a person's head/hair. Also similar to Carmen Taylor who also captured the top of a person's head/hair. It appears both Sara Jones and Jack McCaskill were located on a lower level of the ferry boat compared to both Carmen Taylor and Michael Hezarkahni. I think this debunks Killtown's theory that no other people were on the ferry boat with cameras.

Update: 5th March 2020

911AnalysisVideo's YouTube Channel posted two new Battery Park ferry boat photos. See below:

The photos were taken by Ritsu(Risa Hirayama) and posted at her Instagram profile: She wrote: “Today is 9.11 Memorial Day. This picture took by me 9/11 2001 from Battery park. I'm so scary that bring back to memory that days happened.”  

Also watch my "Setting The Record Straight About The Michael Hezarkhani Video" analysis, where I discuss some of the false information that has been circulated about the Michael Hezarkahni video.